? ??????????????When Life Gives You Lemons? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.9 (9 Ratings)??426 Grabs Today. 10662 To
tal Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Night Time Dreams (Animated)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (26 Ratings)??426 Grabs Today. 11657 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Supernatural

So as you can see I updated my layout. It's Supernatural, my all time favourite show.

I'm soooo happy it came back from its 2 month hiatus. It was a kick ass episode. Sam and Dean in a mental hospital, it was hilarious. "Did they give you something?" -Dean, "They gave me EVERYTHING!" -Sam

It was worth the 2 month wait. I loved the part when they got caught in the morge. "What are you doing down here?" -Nurse/Monster, *drop pants* "Pudding!" *waves arms in the air* -Dean

-in Doctors office- "Whos trying to stop Lucifer?" -Doctor, "Me, him(points at Dean), and this one angel" -Sam, "Like an angel on your shoulder?" -Doctor, "No, no, his names Castiel and he wears a trenchcoat." -Sam

-talking about apocalypse- "Its not Sams fault, there was this other demon, Ruby, she had him addicted to demon blood and near the end he was practically chugging the stuff. My brothers not evil, he was just... high" - Dean, -Sam nods-

Theres my random collection of quotes from Supernatural 5x11 "Sam, Interrupted"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

-insert title here-

So today I had part of my biology exam. It wasn't really that hard i finished in like 30 minutes. Then i read Harry Potter & the Prizoner of Azkaban.

Math was an awesome class. We were all sitting in a group, (Elizabeth, Yvonne, Lindsay, Shayla and me) and we were supposed to be doing math review. We started out doing work then randomly got on the topic of old school shows. Our main topic was pokemon. We talked about how awesome the first few seasons were. We also talked about how the new pokemon are just plain retarded and make no sense. Like Croagunk and blazekien. Like honestly a toxi toad? and a pokemon that looks like a person with feathers. What happened to the cute and cool pokemon like squirtle, charmander, pikachu, bulbasaur, vulpix etc. And then we talked about baby pokemon. Like honestly, whats the deal? It can't be like -poof- there was a stage before pikachu. Its weird and stupid, even though pichu is cute. Then we had conversations about digimon how it was cool and a rip off of pokemon. We also discussed sailor moon, yu-gi-oh and alot of other old school shows. I called it a productive period.

Comm tech was frustrating. I swear our editor hates us, first the music doesn't work then the visual stops showing up. I swear its purpose is to drive me insane.

Anyway, that about sums up my day, talk to you later
